Page 9 - Insight Newsletter Winter 2017
P. 9
Doraville’s All-Star Volunteers (Continued from Page 3)
tumn Park and stream clean-up at of Doraville (she is the widow of on her blog about important local,
Halpern Park. Doraville Mayor Ray Jenkins), Lou state and national education issues
Terry Greenberg coordinates many senior projects and she played a role in partnering
A resident of Northwoods for over ranging from helping the elderly to with the IT department for DeKalb
30 years, Terry has been instrumen- assisting local school children. County Schools to help bring
tal in a number of projects to en- printers and
hance the neighborhood and make it She hosts the monthly senior potluck laptops to
safer. He played a major role in re- luncheons, often calling or emailing Cross Keys.
viving the Neighborhood Watch local seniors personally every month
Program and to invite them to the event. She di- In her class-
currently serves rects senior projects that reach into room, she
as leader of that all corners of the community, to all and her stu-
program. ages. These include gathering school dents began
Neighborhood supplies and new/gently used books a communi-
Watch is for Cary Reynolds Elementary ty engage-
charged with School, coordinating a Thanksgiving ment and
raising aware- meal annually for the Doraville Po- develop-
ness of any lice Department officers and staff or ment project
criminal activi- collecting items for the needy. now known
ty, encouraging as Unify
residents to re- Lou assists her fellow seniors in BuHi (formerly The BuHi Project)
port suspicious behavior, and works sending cards to those who are sick where she encourages her students
with Chief John King and the Do- or in nursing homes or rehab and to develop positions on local is-
raville Police Department to coordi- sending sympathy cards to residents sues and take their ideas to various
nate National Night Out to honor who have lost a loved one. To help city councils and community
local law enforcement. beautify meetings. Numerous initiatives
Terry is quick to volunteer to walk a the have evolved from the Unify BuHi
neighbor’s pet, power wash a drive- commu- effort including a Guerilla Garden-
way or help any of his neighbors nity, she ing project instrumental in plant-
that may be lacking the equipment often ing gardens along barren and un-
or unable to do so themselves. He helps sightly spaces of Buford Highway.
personally collected over 100 signa- coordi-
tures to help secure traffic calming nate the Another initiative was the idea for
devices for the neighborhood and collec- a community association for resi-
has participated in numerous neigh- tion of dents living in apartment complex-
borhood clean-up activities. Neigh- plants to upgrade planters at the en- es along the BuHi corridor, seek-
bors describe Terry as “dependable” trances to various neighborhoods. ing to empower and unite the voic-
and “dedicated” when it comes to es of these residents. With her
answering any volunteer needs or Lou ensures that food is set aside help, Unify BuHi was awarded a
helping his neighbors. from each monthly luncheon to take $1,500 grant ultimately used to
Terry also worked alongside fellow to those who may be ill or home- help create the first phase of The
neighbors on Addison Drive to cre- bound. From time to time, city em- BuHi Walk, a pedestrian tree-lined
ate and coordinate the annual ployees from various departments pathway near Koreatown planned
“Lights On Addison” holiday out- are invited to join the seniors for for completion in early 2017.
door yard decoration event that has lunch to, according to Lou, “give
become an annual tradition enjoyed them the recognition that they so Rebekah began a petition to re-
by many Doraville residents. richly deserve...and a good lunch!” build Cary Reynolds Elementary
Lou Jenkins that gathered 600 signatures and
The guiding force behind the Do- Rebekah Morris was instrumental (combined with
raville Senior Citizens group, Lou efforts by the Cross Keys Task
has spent many years giving back to For this avid community leader, it’s Force and other community lead-
the community wherever her help “all about the kids!” When she ers) in helping secure a $5 million
was needed. The former First Lady moved to Doraville two years ago, commitment from the DeKalb
Rebekah joined the Doraville Board of Education earmarked for
Schools Task Force, and she current- improvements to Cary Reynolds
ly teaches 9th grade English at Cross and construction of a new Do-
Keys High School. She consistently raville-area elementary school.
educates the community by writing
Doraville Insight, Winter 2017 9