Page 4 - Lambda Feasibilty Study Brochure
P. 4
State of the Chapter
Connor Boston, C’16
Vice Archon
Will Mahaffey, C’16
Michael Ruffcorn, C’16
Ryan Palmer, C’15
MIS Dear The most important aspect of the fraternity that
Warden our current and previous executive council have
talked about is PUSH America. Each year, we hold
Tyler DeLoach, C’15 Brothers, “War of the Roses,” which is a powder-puff football
Advertising game between the different sororities on campus,
Pi Kappa Phi at the with all proceeds going to PUSH America. Not only
Historian University of Georgia is one do we have this philanthropy event, but we also sold
Austin Kane, C’14 of the most rapidly growing T-shirts from our spring band party last year and
Finance and Risk Mgmt chapters on campus. With our fall band party this year to increase the amount
a rich history close to one of proceeds going to PUSH America. This is a
Chaplain hundred years, the amount very important and serious cause, and Lambda has
embraced the opportunity to raise as much money as
Drew Wood, C’15 of pride for the chapter that is shared by all of our possible to help disabled children.
members is at an all time high. With around one
hundred active Brothers, Pi Kapp is one of the In all, we love the position that we’re in right now
biggest chapters at the school with the expectations as a chapter. However, our entire fraternity believes
PUSH Chair of even more growth for the following year. It is our
Tommy Mixon, C’17 goal to recruit the best men in order to better the that if we are not improving as a whole, then we
are falling behind. I’d like to take this opportunity
Economics entire fraternity with each new pledge class. The to thank the alumni for all of their support. If you
fall of 2013 brought twenty-one new members into happen to fnd yourself in the neighborhood, I invite
Risk Manager the chapter that we feel enhanced our fraternity by you to come by, see the house, and meet some of
Risk Manager, C’15 more than we ever thought possible. We receive the Brothers. We’re thrilled Lambda chapter is
Communications an enormous amount of attention from the best running strong, and we hope you’ll join with us in
sororities on campus, as well as great feedback on the excitement!
Social Chair our recent pledge class and the chapter as a whole. Fraternally,
Ryan Perry, C’16 Although we were down to around thirty members Connor Wansley Boston
Finance in 2010, the group of men that were left put in an
incredible amount of effort in order to bring us back Archon, C’16
Events Chair to the reputation that we have now. As far as the
social aspect of our chapter, we could not be more
Kevin Lynch, C’16 pleased with how our social calendar has worked
Finance out. With every great sorority on campus requesting
a social with us, we were able to pick and choose
Standards who we felt best matched up with us in order to
Zach Goodman, C’15 have a great calendar and great socials. We always
Marketing and Sports Mgmt receive great feedback from the sororities leadership
following the socials.
Alumni communication services provided by: The Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987
Connor Boston, C’16
Vice Archon
Will Mahaffey, C’16
Michael Ruffcorn, C’16
Ryan Palmer, C’15
MIS Dear The most important aspect of the fraternity that
Warden our current and previous executive council have
talked about is PUSH America. Each year, we hold
Tyler DeLoach, C’15 Brothers, “War of the Roses,” which is a powder-puff football
Advertising game between the different sororities on campus,
Pi Kappa Phi at the with all proceeds going to PUSH America. Not only
Historian University of Georgia is one do we have this philanthropy event, but we also sold
Austin Kane, C’14 of the most rapidly growing T-shirts from our spring band party last year and
Finance and Risk Mgmt chapters on campus. With our fall band party this year to increase the amount
a rich history close to one of proceeds going to PUSH America. This is a
Chaplain hundred years, the amount very important and serious cause, and Lambda has
embraced the opportunity to raise as much money as
Drew Wood, C’15 of pride for the chapter that is shared by all of our possible to help disabled children.
members is at an all time high. With around one
hundred active Brothers, Pi Kapp is one of the In all, we love the position that we’re in right now
biggest chapters at the school with the expectations as a chapter. However, our entire fraternity believes
PUSH Chair of even more growth for the following year. It is our
Tommy Mixon, C’17 goal to recruit the best men in order to better the that if we are not improving as a whole, then we
are falling behind. I’d like to take this opportunity
Economics entire fraternity with each new pledge class. The to thank the alumni for all of their support. If you
fall of 2013 brought twenty-one new members into happen to fnd yourself in the neighborhood, I invite
Risk Manager the chapter that we feel enhanced our fraternity by you to come by, see the house, and meet some of
Risk Manager, C’15 more than we ever thought possible. We receive the Brothers. We’re thrilled Lambda chapter is
Communications an enormous amount of attention from the best running strong, and we hope you’ll join with us in
sororities on campus, as well as great feedback on the excitement!
Social Chair our recent pledge class and the chapter as a whole. Fraternally,
Ryan Perry, C’16 Although we were down to around thirty members Connor Wansley Boston
Finance in 2010, the group of men that were left put in an
incredible amount of effort in order to bring us back Archon, C’16
Events Chair to the reputation that we have now. As far as the
social aspect of our chapter, we could not be more
Kevin Lynch, C’16 pleased with how our social calendar has worked
Finance out. With every great sorority on campus requesting
a social with us, we were able to pick and choose
Standards who we felt best matched up with us in order to
Zach Goodman, C’15 have a great calendar and great socials. We always
Marketing and Sports Mgmt receive great feedback from the sororities leadership
following the socials.
Alumni communication services provided by: The Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987