Page 3 - Rho Chronicle - Delta Tau Delta - Stevens Institute - Spring 2018
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Rho Chapter Continues to Improve
(continued from page one) community-service hours from the last year. will be placing heavy emphasis on trying
have his work cut out for him, following In terms of the chapter’s philanthropic to improve our connection to the alumni
Vitiello ’19. One of the chief goals for our efforts, the Delt-versus-ΘΧ basketball community. We are looking into planning
recruitment this year is to attract young game was a huge success in raising money a number of new events to better engage
leaders who want to make an impact in for JDRF, and the second annual game has Rho alumni this year.
our chapter and to meet or exceed the already been scheduled for 2018. After a successful 2017, we are enter-
precedent set by 2017’s new members for As Rho Chapter continues to improve ing this year with a specific vision for what
level of involvement. on its strengths in the coming year, we Rho Chapter would like to accomplish. Led
Last year, the former administrative will also be focusing on fixing our weak- by a promising new executive board and
board instituted a policy, requiring 10 nesses. Things like our honor board pro- with guidance from last year’s leaders, we
hours of community service per man per cedures, our risk management, and our are aiming to further improve Rho Chapter
semester. This policy was successfully up- ritual performance will be our focus over until it is at the elite level of fraternities,
held, doubling each member’s semesterly the next two semesters. Additionally we both on Stevens’s campus and nationwide.
Reflecting on an Amazing Brotherhood
(continued from page one) from our brotherhood. pleted roles as portfolio managers of the
more, who inspired me to take a leader- An amazing aspect of the fraternity Stevens Student Managed Investment
ship position in the fraternity. I wanted to that no other fraternity offers is our schol- Fund in 2017. Pat Boylan ’18 and Tommy
keep the great momentum going. arship program. The brothers couldn’t Dorsay ’18 led the Stevens men’s soccer
I was honored to be selected as trea- thank Bruce Boylan ’63 and the rest of team to an Empire 8 title. JP Southren is
surer of Delta Tau Delta in 2017, and this the alumni enough for the contributions a captain of the club Lacrosse team, and
experience was both challenging and they’ve made to our brotherhood. The Andrew Hanke hopes to have a strong
rewarding. It was my mission to ensure Delt scholarship is just one small aspect of year on the Stevens men’s baseball team.
excellent financial standing for the Rho the fraternity that I and many other broth- We would also like to send our regards
Chapter after Tim Leahey ’17 passed his ers have been honored to benefit from. to Scott Smullen ’18, who is serving our
duties on to me. The executive board As spring rolls around, we will be country overseas.
and I worked diligently, along with the sending another exceptional senior class It has been an honor to be part of
help of the brothers, to get reports in out to make great impacts in the profes- such an amazing brotherhood. The rest
on time and to effectively manage our sional world. This class has grown ex- of the senior class and I look forward to
budget. Along the way, I enhanced my tremely close over the past three years. watching this fraternity grow by paying
leadership skills, improved my efficiency Bryan Rogers ’18 and Tommy Dawson ’18 it forward and inspiring future leaders
and organization, and grew closer with are two seniors who were named cap- of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. I am
my brothers. This resulted in a perfect tains of the Stevens men’s lacrosse team, driven to “Give more than I take,” and
accreditation score of 1,000 for finances along with brother Dallas Creamer ’18. have seen that type of attitude every
for the fraternity. Thanks to the support Anthony Massi ’18 and myself just com- day since I’ve been a brother.
The brotherhood, fall 2017.
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