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The IllInoIs sIg

                                                       Sigma Chi Fraternity at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | Spring 2019
                                                     Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 |
        a message from the housIng            Alumni Spotlight  Jordan Meadows ’18

      corporaTIon presIdenT

    Spring Brings Continued Success, New Goals  Editor’s NotE: For this edition of the newsletter we’re shining the spot-
                                              light on Brother Jordan Meadows ’18. Originally from Saint Charles,
                                              Jordan was accepted into the  United States Marine Corps Officer
                 Brothers,                    Candidate School after high school. He graduated number one in the
                    Welcome to springtime in   country at USMC Officer candidate school for highest grades in leader-
                 Chicago: cold, windy, rainy,   ship, physical fitness and academics. While at Illinois, he served overseas
                 and 40 degrees... I am a volun-  during the spring of 2016 in operation Cold Response in Norway with
                 teer baseball coach at my old   16 other NATO countries before graduating with a BS in kinesiology. As
                 high school (Loyola Academy)   an active member, Jordan served in multiple house positions including
                                              consul—resulting in our chapter’s first Peterson award in 29 years—and
                 in the spare time I really don’t   he was elected as the “Chapter President of the Year.” Jordan was recently
                 have, so I can assure you it has   honored as the East Illinois Province Balfour Award winner for 2019.
                 been a rough spring! Despite   This May, he was commissioned from Sergeant to a 2nd LT in the Marine
    this spring weather, the chapter is doing great!   Corps. An entrepreneur, Jordan is also currently in the process of creating
       Our leadership continues to remain strong   a business in the Kane County area with one of his Marine coworkers that
    and reflective of our EX values. Our chapter advi-  deals with the sanitization of semi-trucks that handle food for human
    sor, Jeff Rieck, and grand praetor, Blake Pierce   consumption.
    ’01, continue to help lead our officers and chapter
    with their dedicated involvement.       What did you enjoy most during your time as   joined the Marine Corps because it intimidated me,
       The Chapter GPA ended up ranking in the   an active member?                 and I wanted to step out of my comfort zone to see if
    Top 10! Our scholarship chair and Ben Fisher   Throughout  my  undergraduate  years  I had   I could conquer the challenges they offered.
    Scholar, Matt Holon, had a tremendous impact   a tremendous experience that created memories   When did you discover your strengths in the
    on our scholarship success.             I will forever remember.  What I enjoyed most   program?
                                            about being a member of the Kappa Kappa chap-  Early on in my career I was able to visibly
                                            ter was the deep friendships I developed. I had the
    Your board is working on many fronts:   privilege of knowing every brother I encountered   see my developed strengths. I accomplished this
       • Helping the chapter officers become better   on a personal level. These types of relationships   by looking at myself in-depth and seeking what
                                                                                   self-improvement was necessary to advance my
        leaders by building expectations    surpassed all my other ones I developed, and I   career. Learning what I could improve about
       • Working on our scholarship award process  know they will continue to grow throughout my   myself allowed me to develop my weaknesses into
       • Working on building a sound financial   later years in life. I joined the fraternity for the   strengths, ultimately allowing me to progress into
        position                            brotherhood aspect, and I was grateful the Kappa   the person I am today.
       • Completing a total upgrade of the women’s   Kappa Chapter provided me a great atmosphere   What are your goals with the Marine Corps?
        bathroom                            for it.                                   I’ve currently been enlisted for the past six
       • Mom’s Weekend was a resounding success,   Which achievements are you most proud of?  years, and this summer I commission as a Second
        connecting them with their sons and raising   During my college years I was fortunate   Lieutenant to pursue a career in aviation as a
        a little money along the way. We continue   enough  to  have  achieved  way  more  than  I   Marine Corps Pilot. Throughout my six years in
        to maintain good communication with the   thought I was capable of. At the conclusion of   the Corps, I have been impacted greatly by my
        Mom’s Club as they play an integral part in   Marine Corps Officer Candidate School, I was   superiors. My goal is to reciprocate that to my
                                            the number one graduate with highest scores in
        our chapter and their sons’ lives.  leadership, physical fitness, and academics. As   Jordan Meadows (continued on page 4)
       • Working on summer project plans to   consul, I led our chapter to winning
        continue our Mission Possible in making   its first Peterson Award in 29 years,   Jordan with his pledge brothers in New Orleans
        sure 410 E. John remains as one of the   and was also awarded by the IFC as the   during their senior year trip.
        premier fraternities on campus      “Chapter President of the Year,” out of
       • Trying to position ourselves for a fundrais-  46 other IFC Presidents. Amongst these
        ing campaign                        and my other accomplishments, my
                                            greatest achievement was developing
    Your House Corporation Board:           lifelong friendships with the brothers
                                            of the Kappa Kappa Chapter that will
       • Mike Bellah ’14 has done a nice job   continue throughout the rest of my life.
        overseeing both rush chairs and our pledge
        program                             What led to your interest and dedi-
       • Jason Detweiler ’08 works tirelessly as our   cation in becoming a Marine?
        property manager, coordinating all work   Despite being only seven years old
        with the chapter and our management   during the events of 9/11, the actions
                                            that occurred that day resonated with
                                            me throughout my younger years which
        Corporation President (continued on page 4)  resulted in a desire to serve my country. I
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