Page 4 - Illinois Sig - Spring 2019
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Alumni News
Jordan Meadows I developed during my time in the service
and want to continue throughout my life.
(continued from page 1) I also enjoy spending time with my family,
subordinates by taking care of them and carrying because they have molded me into the man
myself as a leader they follow because they want I have become today. I am also fond of any
to, not because they have to. outdoor activities, such as boating, fishing,
How are your plans as an entrepreneur work- wakeboarding, and skateboarding. Lastly, I
enjoy learning and spend an abundance of
ing out? time actively reading and researching dif-
I am currently in the works of opening a ferent things to expand my knowledge in
business in the Kane County area with one of different fields life has to offer.
my fellow coworkers in the Marine Corps. We Jordan performing a skateboarding trick during
found a niche without much competition with Why do you feel it’s important to a photo shoot at the skate park in Glenview, Illinois.
the potential to grow. As of this summer, we stay involved with Sigma Chi as an
will be opening a sanitation company that works alumnus? becoming comfortable in uncomfortable situa-
with food distribution plants to ensure that the Sigma Chi, especially the Kappa Kappa tions. This type of bravery will lead you to achieve
transport foods for human consumption are up Chapter, has impacted my life enormously. As accomplishments that were once unimaginable
to the new standards in reference of the recent law an alumnus, I know it is important to recipro- and allow you to grow substantially as a person.
passed by the USDA. I will take a backseat to the cate back to the chapter in order to ensure that Personally, my fondest memories and proudest
company once I begin my active duty career in the future brothers of the Kappa Kappa Chapter achievements thus far in my life began by display-
the Marine Corps, but will always be researching obtain the same impact in their lives that I had. ing the bravery to live outside my comfort zone.
the next idea. What advice can you give your fellow Kappa
In your free time, what do you do for fun? Kappa brothers about bravery?
In my free time I love working out and My greatest advice about bravery is always
maintaining a healthy lifestyle, this is a passion striving to live outside your comfort zone by Corporation President
(continued from page 1)
congratulations to our graduaTIng senIors
• Jim Escobar ’95 continues to a
Thomas Drinnen Abrams Jacob David Fernandez phenomenal job as our CFO. He has spent
Finance Finance countless hours working to reduce our vendor
Benjamin David Belskis Samuel Lindston Gainer costs, setting up the new CPA firm, and
Civil Engineering Finance managing our significant budget
Joseph Robert Chignoli Alexander Walter Gamsjaeger • Steve Sarovich ’75 and Dan Mackey ’78
Finance in Agri-Business Consumer Economics have “got game” when it comes to helping
coordinate all property rehab work, their
Thomas William Cushing Liam James Griffin
Spanish Computer Engineering insight and efforts are greatly appreciated
• Tom Munger ’13 coordinates all the media
Zachary Heinz Hopkins Nicholas Scott Hilgemann channels with the Chapter Media Officer —
Material Sciences and Engineering Finance we want to build better communication
Andrew James Thompson Alexander Erich Kazmer through all media channels
Mechanical Engineering MCB • Joe Perozzi ’14 heads up the Scholarship
Kyle Richard Munson Samuel Sungwon Kim area and coordinates with the Fisher
Finance in Agri-Business Computer Engineering Scholar our distributions and GPA policy
Luke Jonathan Ortegal Jack Sullivan Mahoney • Mark Anderson ’77’s support and efforts
Economics Mechanical Engineering are critical to our overall success, as he has
maintained his involvement in our General
Mason Peter Homsey Andrew Martineau Fraternity and keeps me sane!
Finance Finance
Peter Aristides Paxinos Luke Harrison Massar
ACES Financial Planning Financial Planning Gentlemen, our train keeps on chugg’n. I am
proud of and grateful for all of our board members
Jonathan George Lampros Nicholas Scott McGuire for their time, support, and efforts as there will
Finance Financial Planning
always be more to work to do!
Riley Alexander Miles Thomas Leo Morrone If you would like to “dip your toe” or drill
Finance Financial Planning
deeper on how you might be able to help, please
Daryl Patrick Murphy Jr. Stephen Thomas Quinn connect.
Finance Finance?
Patrick Joseph Duncan Charles Mack Spring In hoc,
Special Education Communications
George Angelo Deligiannis Charles James Yale
Finance in Agri-Business Financial Planning
Liam Nagle Eadie Kenneth Robert Yeo Peter Steger ’79
Supply Chain Management Economics House Corporation President
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