Page 31 - Gateways_Winter_2024-25_Neat
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Brookfield Zoo Chicago Zones
Immersive Ecoregions
Conservation Campus
Historical Core
Wildlife Discovery
New Rides and Attractions
Wildlife Discovery Zone The Anniversary Ferris Wheel began turning in 2024 to celebrate
the Zoo’s 90 anniversary. Riders enjoy a bird’s-eye view of animal
These 24 acres located on the Zoo’s east side and centered around habitats and gardens from a height of 110 feet. Guests can look
Hamill Family Wild Encounters feature interactive animal experienc- forward to the addition of other thrilling attractions.
es and recreational attractions that will provoke curiosity and fun
in guests of all ages. New Amphitheatre
A spacious amphitheatre seats up to 2,000 guests and provides
Renovated Seven Seas Building (completed) lawn seating for another 4,000. Daily animal and educational
A $10 million enhancement of the Seven Seas dolphin habitat presentations, evening musical performances, and private events
created a more dynamic and enriching underwater environment take place here.
for the dolphins that encourages their natural behaviors. New
rockwork structures, a shallow sand pit, and built-in bubbler Pacific Coasts of the Americas
systems enrich the dolphins’ habitat. Above the water, a beautiful Greeted by the rhythmic sounds of crashing waves and the salty
new facade reflects views from Sarasota, Florida, the site of the scent of the ocean breeze, guests are transported to the rugged
Zoo’s internationally famous Sarasota Dolphin Research Program. shores of South America. At Sea Lion Cove, guests observe sea lions
Building improvements benefit animals and guests with a new in their natural element, including underwater through underwater-
HVAC system for better heating, cooling, and ventilation, LED viewing windows. In a training and education area, animal care
lighting, and a larger wheelchair-accessible area. staff share stories of the Zoo’s conservation efforts and demonstrate
excellence in animal care.
Wildlife Discovery—New Animal Experiences The new Humboldt Penguin habitat, inspired by the rich
The naturalistic rock formations sculpted more than 90 years ago biodiversity of Peru’s Punta San Juan Marine Protected Area,
by Swiss artist John Hurlimann for Bear Grottos is repurposed as showcases the playful antics of Humboldt penguins alongside
the backdrop for sloth bears, sun bears, wolverines, and red pandas. free-flying terns and gulls. Interactive storytelling and
A permanent Butterfly House lets guests enjoy and learn about these environmental education sessions provide guests with a deeper
colorful pollinators year-round. understanding of the importance of protecting these endangered
species and the impact of climate change on their habitats.