Page 7 - Impact Report 2017
P. 7

The fellowship program appealed to           arthritis. Because animals in zoos often        CZS is such a unique powerhouse
Dr. Balko because she always had an          live much longer than those in the wild,        of talent—I don’t think I could have
interest in wild animals, but spent most     and because we know animals often               gained this experience anywhere else.”
of her time with domestic animals.           hide their pain (this is thought to be a
                                             survival mechanism), it has become more            The Society is proud to pioneer
   During her year at the zoo, she helped    important for zoo veterinarians to find         this important fellowship. “The
to investigate the use of a cutting-edge     ways to identify and alleviate the aches        potential impact for this program is
anesthetic monitoring device for fur seals   and pains associated with aging patients.       formidable—not just for our Brookfield
and sea lions both in zoos and in Punta      The walkway senses gait abnormalities or        Zoo patients, but for the treatment of
San Juan, Peru. (As diving animals, seals    inconsistencies, which is especially useful     non-domestic species everywhere,” says
and sea lions have unique physiology that    in monitoring, and then treating, arthritis.    Dr. Mike Adkesson, the Society’s vice-
can pose added risk when they receive        The walkway can be used for many                president of clinical medicine. “We
anesthesia, and so this makes anesthesia     species in an array of environments, so         are honored to guide the standard of
use more dangerous than in domestic          the possibilities for the care of geriatric or  care and benefit patients in the wild
animals and humans.) The device, which       otherwise ailing animals are very exciting.     and at zoos around the world.”
measures oxygen levels in the brain, is
portable and much more reliable than            “The fellowship was an extraordinary            With support, the Society will
traditional monitoring devices and may       experience—a true partnership,” says            continue to provide training to students
dramatically improve the care of these       Dr. Balko, reflecting on the year she           and post-graduate residents in non-
animals in zoos and in the wild.             spent at Brookfield Zoo. “I was able to         domestic animal anesthesia, develop
                                             contribute anesthesia and analgesia skills      new experts through our fellowship
   Dr. Balko also evaluated a new            from my prior training with domestic            program, advance the level of veterinary
anesthetic drug on several species of        animals and gained an unbelievable              care through new research, and provide
birds, and tested the merits of a pressure-  amount of clinical and research knowledge       the animal welfare community with
sensitive walkway to more accurately         from everyone on the CZS team.                  consultation and clinical service. █
understand pain associated with penguin

S ting the Standard                             13                                           12 Studbook Keepers
for Animal Care                                                                                   (maintain records of
                                             Veterinarians                                        individual animals
Society staff is made                        and Veterinary                                       in an SSP)
up of some incredible
individuals.                                      Techs

9 Species                                                                                                         100

  Survival                                                                                                                  Animal care
 Plan (SSP)                                                                                                                 and welfare
Coordinators                                                                                                               specialists and
                                             Lab tests help paint a broader
                                             picture of our animals’ health.                                       706

                                             Staff are applying their expertise                                                Hormone
                                             in taking and analyzing these                                                       tests
                                             They're leading a cutting-edge,                 1,074 15,076
                                             multi-institutional study on the
                                             welfare of cetaceans (dolphins, whales,          Blood Fecal samples
                                             and porpoises) in institutions.                 samples

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