Page 17 - Impact Report_2018
P. 17

In-Kind Gifts and Matching Gifts

In-Kind Gifts                    Sasha Gerritson and              North Carolina State University -         U.S. Foods
                                   Eugene P. Jarvis                 College of Veterinary Med.              Uline
A1 Barrels & Containers                                                                                     University of Georgia
  Solutions LLC                  Gold Medal-Chicago               Northshore Stone Restoration              Charlene and Randall Vickery
                                 Gonnella Baking Co.              Oak Brook Polo Club                       Village Gifts, Inc.
Accurate Scale Company           Hinsdale Nurseries, Inc.         Oak Park Area CVB -                       Walgreens
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Ahern     Hormel Foods                                                               Warm Fuzzy Enterprises
Alpha Baking Company, Inc.       Infosec Institute                  Visit Oak Park                          White Clouds
American Airlines                Jackson Family Wines             Mr. and Mrs. William O'Donnell            Wild Onion Brewing Co.
AMITA Health Adventist           JAD Imports/MHW, Ltd.            Mr. and Mrs. Edmond F. Opler              The Winebow Group
                                 Joe & Ross Ice Cream                                                       Wines For Humanity
  Medical Center, Hinsdale       JP Carroccio Salon                                                         World's Finest Chocolate, Inc.
AMITA Health Adventist           Julie/Dunfee Designs                                                       Dr. and Mrs. Eric Y. Yang
                                 Mr. Ronald E. Jungels                                                      Cindy and Bill Zeigler
  Medical Center, La Grange      K&M Printing
AMS Mechanical Systems, Inc.     Stephanie Bryan Kangas                                  Left: Eddie Opler  Matching Gifts
Amtrak                           Ms. Kathleen A. Keenan                                  and CZS Women’s
Assurance Fire & Safety Inc.     Gerald A. & Karen A.                                    Board Treasurer,   Anonymous (2)
Aston Martin Glenview                                                                    Sarah Opler at     AbbVie
Beavers Holdings, LLC              Kolschowsky Foundation, Inc.                          The Whirl          Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Boston Scientific                Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A.           Out of Hand Graphic                       Ally Financial, Inc.
Boxed Water                                                       Cathie A. Overmyer and                    American Agricultural Insurance
Barbara J. Bradford and            Kolschowsky                      Craig F. Overmyer
                                 Kraft Heinz Company              PepsiCo                                     Company
  Robert L. Sherman              Lamb Weston/ConAgra              PepsiCo Foodservice                       Aon Corporation
Breakthru Beverage Group         Sandy and Jerry Manne            Phillip's Flowers & Gifts                 Bank of America Foundation
Mr. Ryan P. Carter and           Mr. and Mrs. John Marchese       Players Golf Cars                         Benevity Community
                                 A. Marek Fine Jewelry            Progressive Communications Inc.
  Mrs. Erin K. Brown-Carter      Market Produce                   Rasenick's                                  Impact Fund
Dana A. Buoscio and              Ms. Claudia Marrow               Mr. and Mrs. Rajeev A. Rathi              Benjamin Moore & Co.
                                 Maverick Wine Company            Recycle Technologies, Inc.                Best Buy
  John P. Szewezyk               McPrice Myers                    Reinders, Inc.                            Bloomberg L.P.
Burke Beverage, Inc.             Midwest Groundcovers, LLC        Revolution Brewing                        BMO Harris Bank, N.A.
Cass Winery                      Midwest Laboratories Inc.        Mr. Steven E. Rice                        Caterpillar Inc.
Bonny Chen and Jim Olguin        Miller's Ale House               River Heights Veterinary Clinic           Discover Financial Services Inc.
Ms. Monica Chen                  Minneapolis Children's Hospital  Romano Beverage                           The Walt Disney Company
Chicago Bulls                    Mr. and Mrs. G. Douglas          School of Holistic Massage &
Chicago White Sox                                                   Ref lexolog y                             Foundation
Chicago Wolves                     Needham                        Mr. Jim Schulz                            The Field Foundation of Illinois
Chicagoland Veterinary           Mr. and Mrs. Ken Neumann         Stan's Donuts and Coffee                  GE Foundation
                                 Niner Wine Estates               Melissa and Stuart Strahl                 HSBC Bank USA, N.A.
  Cardiology, PC                                                  Surgical Referral Service                 IBM Corporation
Chilton Yambert & Porter, LLP                                     Tangled Roots Brewing Company             IMC Financial Markets
The Cincinnati Zoo                                                Mr. and Mrs. John B. Templeton, Jr.       Ingredion Incorporated
Cream Wine Company                                                Tenzing Wine & Spirits                    ITW
Dalmares Produce Inc.                                             TeraRecon, Inc.                           JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Donovan Food Brokerage                                            Tricoci University of Beauty              Leo Burnett Worldwide
Dr. Christopher G. Downs D.V.M.                                     Culture                                 Macy's Inc.
                                                                  TriMark Marlinn, LLC                      McGraw Foundation
  and Ms. Ashley L. Rogers                                                                                  Norfolk Southern Foundation
Emrik, Inc.                                                                                                 Owens-Illinois, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Ensign                                                                             Peoples Gas and North Shore Gas
Eye Care for Animals
Far Niente Family of Wineries                                                                                 Community Fund
                                                                                                            Praxair Technology, Inc.
  and Vineyards                                                                                             S&P Global Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua M. Feagans                                                                    
Federal Envelope Company                                                                                    Takeda Pharmaceuticals North
Ferrara Candy Company
Fess Parker Winery                                                                                            America, Inc.
Folkmanis, Inc.                                                                                             USG Foundation, Inc.
Food For Thought Catering                                                                                   Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company

  Professionals, LTD.
Susan and Patrick Frangella
Fred Astaire Dance Studio -

  Park Ridge
Mrs. Lilian A. Fulde
Garvey's Office Products

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