Page 37 - Gateways_Winter_2024-25
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”Being able to share Reindeer Run                       Now, family members anticipate the Reindeer Run every
                                                                 year and have collections of souvenir hats—a brightly colored
          with our now blended family has been                   hat in a different color is given to runners each year.
                                                                    In 2023, CJ Robinson and his family celebrated with more
              something we look forward to.”                     than hats: They showed up dressed as holiday characters.
                Kelly Albright, member since 2008               “We’ve attended the last two years after a tragic event in our
                                                                 lives brought us all together,” Robinson wrote. “The lights
            After experiencing such important milestones at the Zoo,   are something we have always enjoyed.” The family even
        many couples come again and again. Sarah Gabor’s first date   ended the evening with a conga line.
        with her high school sweetheart, Cody, was at the Zoo. During
        Holiday Magic in 2017, he asked her to marry him in the Giant   ”Christmas lights are important to me
        Orb light dome. Soon Sarah and Cody, who became members
        in 2020, will be back at the Zoo with their first baby, a little boy   because they are a sign of happiness.”
        due in January.                                                   Emily Nagy, member since 2008
          “All we keep talking about is how excited we are to bring him
        to the Zoo with a little zookeeper outfit on. He’s going to have    For many like Robinson’s family, Holiday Magic brings
        a safari nursery!” Gabor wrote.                          hope in a season that isn’t always easy. Emily Nagy was
           They aren’t the only ones bringing new family members to   excited to enjoy the Zoo during a snowy December night
        the Zoo. Each year, families reunite, create new traditions, and   with her boyfriend.
        find common ground among the Zoo’s historical exhibits and   “Living in the Midwest, you are never guaranteed a white
        thrilling attractions, which will include the Anniversary Ferris   Christmas. But you can always count on the holiday lights
        Wheel this year. As Holiday Magic evolves and grows brighter   to brighten up the Earth during such a dark time of the year,”
        over the years, so do the families who have attended again    Nagy wrote. And at the Zoo, she was delighted to find the
        and again.                                               lights she loves shaped into all kinds of different animals.
           Kelly Albright and her 7-year-old son loved the Reindeer    “Christmas lights are important to me because they are a sign
        Run in 2018—her son’s first run! The Reindeer Run is a unique   of happiness.”
        chance for visitors to see the lights of Holiday Magic before               Presented by
        the event has begun.
          “It’s a fun kickoff for the holiday. The music and food
        and hot chocolate definitely get us in the spirit of the season,”
        Albright wrote. “The first year, just my son and I ran the race,        Presenting Sponsor of Giant Tree
        but since then, I have remarried. Being able to share it with our
        now blended family has been something we look forward to.”

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