Page 37 - Gateways_Spring2022_Neat
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Before the study began, dolphins were trained to voluntarily wear an MTag biologging device on their back. Guidelines for using and training animals to accept
        the MTags were developed by Stacey and her team. Brookfield Zoo’s dolphins contributed to the study by testing and helping to validate the MTag’s sensors.

        Factors Related                                           A total of 1,882 hours of data were collected from biologging
        to Dolphin Welfare                                      devices worn by the dolphins called MTags. The activity tracking
                                                                device accumulated information about an animal’s speed, depth,
        The second stage of the Cetacean Welfare Study focused solely    and movements under water that were difficult to discern by
        on bottlenose dolphins and involved up to 60 dolphins at 31 facili-  viewers and even harder to quantify. “The collected MTag
        ties. “We wanted to look for relationships between behaviors that   data were downloaded to a computer,” said Lauderdale. “Then
        were likely indicative of animal welfare and habitat characteristics,   we worked with Dr. Alex Shorter at the University of Michigan
        enrichment programs, and training programs,” said Miller.   to be able to process that data so we could graph it and analyze it.”
           Participating facilities contributed several additional streams    The combination of video and MTag data gave researchers
        of data for this stage of the study. They included information    detailed information about each dolphin’s social interactions,
        from a survey of animal management practices. The survey—  habitat use, and activity level. This included: dive duration,
        which was created by experts in animal welfare, cetacean manage-  distance traveled, activity level, time spent in the top and bottom
        ment, and veterinary medicine—presented questions about the   thirds of the habitat, number of species-specific behaviors, and
        dolphins’ age, sex, habitat features, environmental enrichment,   interactions with other dolphins and objects.
        and training programs.                                    From August 2018 through June 2020, researchers processed,
           Data also included 546 hours of video. Individual dolphins   summarized, and statistically analyzed the data. “We examined
        were video recorded three times a week during each data collec-  what kinds of behaviors the dolphins were engaging in and how
        tion period. The videos were viewed by Lauderdale, research    those behaviors were related to the training programs, the environ-
        assistants, interns, and volunteers. “We looked at that video    mental enrichment programs, and the habitat characteristics,”
        and coded all the different behaviors we saw,” said Lauderdale.   said Lauderdale.

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