Page 7 - chingshuan-portfolio
P. 7

DEVICE CONTENT  BACKSTAGE CONTENT                                                                                                   COMPONENT PRODUCTION

 Interactive step  VVVV                                                                            ∞           Big             Planet

                                                                                                                                                                              1                                                      2

 First participant blows   Planet size changes            Second participant   This block receives the data produced by two persons individually  0.8  Small

       onto sound sensor   blows   using sound sensor in order to change the sizes of planet and ring.
                                                                                                   ∞           Red                                        3                                    4                                     5

 First participant touches   The color of planet

 Planet’s ring size changes
          temperature sensor                     and  rst star changes

                This block receives the data produced by two persons individually
               using temperature sensor in order to change the colors of planet and
                  star, and the color finally presented is the combination of color               -1.8          Blue
                                     hues made by two persons.
 Second participant touches   The color of planet   First participant talks facing
           temperature sensor                     and second star changes                   the microphone


 Sound wave turns into   Second participant talks facing   Sound wave turns into

      planet’s  rst line                   the microphone                  planet’s second line          This block receives the sound wave pattern produced by two persons
              individually using microphone in order to produce planet’s two lines.
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12