Page 2 - Farm Bill Series_The 7 Things You Should Know
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               I am pleased to provide you with this editorial series, “The Seven Things You
               Should Know Before You Write the Next Farm Bill,” published by the Agri-Pulse
               Communications in the spring of 2017.

               As a journalist who has followed every farm bill since 1980, it became apparent to
               me that there were several things that could be learned from looking at previous
               attempts to craft this distinctive federal legislation. And after watching work start
               in 2010 on what was supposed to be the 2012 farm bill (which was finally signed

               into law on Feb. 7, 2014), it seemed even more important to share information
               about the people, the policies and the politics driving the development of this
               farm, food and rural legislation – collectively known as the “farm bill.”

               Our team started with a theme of “Harvesting Farm Bill Perspectives,” including
               notes from our previous coverage and in-depth and sometimes unreported
               interviews with dozens of sources who had been involved with the process of
               writing the last farm bill. We’ve included photos of many of the key players as

               well as helpful charts and graphics. Inside each segment of the series, you’ll hear a
               diversity of opinions and find plenty of new anecdotes about how the legislation
               was put together.

               We also tried to address several questions that might be of interest to those who
               have never been through the process. Who wants to write a farm bill? Why does
               a farm bill matter? Who is affected? How much does it cost?

               We hope this information is helpful to you as you continue to navigate the
               challenges and opportunities ahead for agriculture and, more broadly, our food
               system. Special thanks to the sponsors who supported this comprehensive effort

               and are listed on the last page.

               Best regards,

               Sara Wyant
               Founder and Editor of Agri-Pulse

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