Page 32 - Export or Bust eBook
P. 32

Peterson says the trade battles have “forced us to form coalitions” with other U.S. stakeholders and with
“customers overseas worried about their supply relationship with us. They don’t like this any more than
we do.” He says the new coalitions aim to alert the Trump administration to escalating impacts on U.S.
agriculture from recent policy changes.

Fowler adds that uncertainty about TPP risks “losing a 3 million metric ton market in Japan” and is
“hugely damaging to the soybean market.” Peterson and Fowler tell Agri-Pulse that the strategy to
success is to sign new trade agreements, complete the NAFTA negotiations without harming ag exports,
reconsider joining the TPP, use the WTO dispute settlement process, and double funding for USDA’s
MAP and FMD programs as Sen. King’s CREAATE legislation proposes.

                                                                   Trade battles undermine U.S.
                                                                   reputation as a reliable supplier

                                                                   USGC President and CEO Tom Sleight

                                                                   warns that due to the trade battles
                                                                   launched by the U.S., “our loyal,

                                                                   longtime customers are actively

                                                                   looking at alternative sources of supply
                                                                   … We’re hurting our reputation not

                                                                   only in China, but with other trading

                                                                   partners, with key ones like Japan,

                                                                   Korea, Mexico. Even in places in

                                                                   Southeast Asia that are new and
                                                                   growing markets for the U.S., we’re
                                                                   creating doubt.”

USGC President and CEO Tom Sleight on an elevator tour looking     “There are definite consequences if
at grain quality. Source: U.S. Grains Council
                                                                   these battles do not get settled

                                                                   expediently and with proper

                                                                   attention to the impact on
                                                                   agriculture,” he says.

USCG Global Programs Senior Director Cary Sifferath taking the     USGC Senior Director of Global
gloves off in South Korea, explaining the buying of U.S. quality.  Programs Cary Sifferath adds that it
Source: U.S. Grains Council                                        takes constant work to maintain
                                                                   current markets while also pursuing
                                                                   new ones. This work includes helping
                                                                   the Trump administration understand
                                                                   the importance of resolving issues with
                                                                   China before more export
                                                                   opportunities are lost.

                                                                   Sifferath points out that “Mexico has
                                                                   overtaken Japan as our largest export
                                                                   market for corn, it’s our largest export
                                                                   market for DDGS, our second-largest
                                                                   market for sorghum exports, our

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