Page 39 - หนังสืออิเล็กทรอนิกส์
P. 39


                1. Who killed all the young girls?

                a. The Wolf                   b. The Dragon

                c.  The King                  d. The Chameleon

                2. Who saved the princess?

                a. A little girl                b. brave soldier

                c. The King                    d. A policeman

                3. What weapon did St George use to fight the dragon?

                a. A knife                     b. A rock

                c. A spear                    d. A spoon

                4. What is the location in the story?

                a. London, England       b. Sydney, Australia

                c. Ottawa, Canada      d. Libya, in North Africa

                5. What is the name of the brave soldier?

                a. Norah                      b. Leonard

                c. Dawid                      d. Saint George
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