Page 48 - E-VOOCK, Naufal Siddiqi Nasrullah, 2024
P. 48

1.  Signposting and focusing in lectures/lessons

                  going to show you

                   -  "I'll show you a few of them." (11.47)
            2.  Specifying topics and relations between ideas

                  in the case of

                   -  "Like in the case of this beautiful doctor from New

                       Hampshire who lost their license because their

                       computer skills were not up to par." (13.18)
            3.  Drawing attention to something or focusing on it

                  one of the things

                   -  "One of the things that has frustrated me for years was

                       the feedback cycle that we had with students." (6.32)
            4.  Adding

                  (not only) but also

                   -  "Not only that, they're coming on proven records as

                      opposed to potential." (4.33)
            5.  Clarifying and restating

                  as I say

                   -  "As I say in my slide, this is not your father's education."


                  in the same way

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