Page 96 - E-VOOCK, Naufal Siddiqi Nasrullah, 2024
P. 96

The following is a collection of the OPAL in the TED-talk videos that
        you have studied. With this list, you will know which words in the video are
        categorized as OPAL.

        TARGET 1: 7 things to do before you graduate college | Liz Wessel |

        academics                    difficult                    major
        activity                     due                          many

        actual                       during                       means

        address                      education                    method
        advantage                    engaging                     might

        age                          example                      model

        based                        experience                   models

        can                          experiences                  most
        category                     fact                         need

        change                       fund                         new

        changed                      funds                        New
        combined                     highest                      number

        communities                  include                      offers

        compete                      involve                      often
        country                      learning                     online

        design                       local                        operating

        different                    main                         opportunities

   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101