Page 64 - E-Voock by Naufal
P. 64

8.  Mastery

                   a.  Comprehensive  knowledge  or  skill  in  a  subject  or


                   b.  Make (something) denser or more concentrated.
                   c.  When you ace an exam you get the highest, or almost

                       the highest, mark.

         9.  Accountability

                   a.  Make (something) denser or more concentrated.
                   b.  The fact of being responsible for your decisions or actions

                       and expected to explain them when you are asked

                   c.  Written recordings or summary taken by students during

                       or after a lecture.
         10. Integrate

                   a.  Written recordings or summary taken by students during

                       or after a lecture.

                   b.  To  combine  two  or  more  things  so  that  they  work
                       together; to combine with something else in this way

                   c.  Make (something) denser or more concentrated.

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