P. 6

What in the world is going on here? I’ll tell you what is transpiring. This man, Enoch, had a genuine encounter with God.
I do not know where the spot was when it took place. I do not know the hour of day. But Enoch knew... He was there when it happened!
Do you still remember when you had your first en- counter with God? Do you know where you were when it happened? Do you know what time it was? When the God of Heaven washed your black sins away in His precious blood and made you white as snow? Do you remember when the master surgeon in Heaven took your old sin- cursed heart out and gave you a new heart?
Beloved, that’s what makes the brook overflow. This stirs the soul. This is what brings tears to the eyes. This is what brings revival fires to the church, a personal encoun- ter with God!
So, what was Enoch doing when he had this supernatu- ral encounter with God that changed his life? Was he at his desk reading his Torah when this happened? No, there was no Torah. Was he listening to a Christian radio station’s top 40 songs? No, as there were no radio stations. Did a sermon stir him up on the internet or was it a message on his lap- top? No, there was no internet, nor any laptops.
I believe we have just stumbled on to a Bible mystery!
So how did the thought of walking with God ever en- ter into the heart of this man, Enoch?
What caused a mere mortal, like you and I, to even con- sider that he could actually become the friend of God and to walk with Him? It’s absurd, isn’t it? And yet, it is true!
To better acquaint you with what happened in the life of Enoch (since the Bible leaves out the details), I would like to paint a word picture in the theater of your mind.

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