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right after his first child was born. It would be his time to intimately fellowship with God.
Over the past 60 years or so, Enoch had became more and more resolved, that no matter the cost, no matter what he had to give up, no matter what he had to re- nounce and forsake, nothing else in this old world meant anything to him, only God.
Do you feel that same way?
No matter what the cost, no matter what you have to give up, no matter what you have to forsake, no matter what you have to lose, nothing else matters, but possess- ing more of God in your life!
As you read these lines, is your soul on the reach for more of God? Are you thirsty for living water? Are you denying yourself with the dawn of each new day and taking up your cross and following Jesus? Are you dying daily to self, refusing this world and what it offers, cruci- fying the flesh and following close to the Master?
There are many religious people today who say they are following Jesus. Well, where is He? “Right there, see him?” ‘No. I don’t.’ “He’s that little speck right there in the distance.”
Is that the way you are following Jesus or are you right there with Him, leaning on Him? And, if you lose Him, are you falling down on your knees... to find another one of his footprints?
Enoch had to know. Can you say aloud, “Enoch had to know.” “Enoch had to know,” God in a more intimate way. Yes, Enoch had to have the same personal relationship with God his grandfather had been telling him about. Yes. Enoch had to know. Now, dear reader, can you tell the Lord, “I have to know”?
Your kids can hear the story over and over about how