P. 14
out the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.
Dear reader, we have been guilty of only looking at this from our perspective. While God has been waiting... longing... for another one of His creation... to make the move towards Him.
Yes, for hundreds of years, God Almighty was waiting for someone to position him/herself so He could fellow- ship with him/her.
It is true. Adam and Eve had hurt God so deeply. After God had given them everything, Adam and Eve’s betray- al had pierced God’s very heart. Yet, even so, God really, really missed the communion with his friends at the cool of the day.
For hundreds of years, God had been wistfully, long- ingly, looking forward for this to happen again.
Back on planet earth, Enoch was determined to do whatever was necessary to prepare himself to have an encounter with God.
I wonder if there is someone reading these lines who has been preparing yourself for a closer encounter with God? Are you ready to answer the call to hang out with God? Are you ready to give God your all, holding nothing back? Will you say, “Yes,” to the Lord, no matter what He asks of you?
Enoch believed that what happened to grandpa could happen to him. Enoch lived it, breathed it, walked it, talked about it, felt it. He knew if he was going to one day experience this, he would have to immerse himself in God and His holy presence so much, so deep, so long, so close, that God would want to take the next step and come
all the way back down to earth to fellowship with him. Enoch was well aware... this would not happen overnight.