Page 30 - PET 101 EBOOK
P. 30

H O W   T O   S T R E T C H   S T U D E N T ' S

                                          T H I N K I N G ?

       USE A VARIETY OF GENRES                                CHALLENGE STUDENTS

       When students read non-fiction texts, there            Have  the  students  to  write  a  paragraph
       are lesser inferences or interpretations that          including  facts  and  inferred  facts.  Have
       are usually made from the writings. Discuss            them  exchange  their  paragraphs  and  make
       how  the  inferences  and  conclusions  are            inferences  based  on  the  information  in  the
       different  when  reading  science  articles,           paragraphs.
       poetry, novels, or historical documents.
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