Page 47 - History of Psychology
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             Alwilsol. (2014). Psikologi Kepribadian. Malang: UMM Press

             Brennan, F. James. (2012). Sejarah dan Sistem Psikologi (Edisi Ke-Enam). Jakarta:
             PT.Rajagrafinda Persada

             Hergenhahn,  B.  R.  (2005).  An  Introduction  to  the  History  of  Psychology  Sixth
             Edition. Wadsworth Cengade Learning: USA

             Jones,  Dai.  &  Elcock,  Jonathan.  (2001).  History  and  Theories  of  Psychology:  A

             Critical Perpective. Oxford University Press: New York

             Wheeler, Liz. (2018). How Psychology Works. New York: DK Publishing

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