Page 3 - TRI program_2020_FlipBuilder Edition
P. 3

We also thank...

         Mayor Lloyd Winnecke                       Liquor Locker
               Gina Moore                            Tom Magan
              Beverage Barn                        Mary McCarthy
              Scott Branam                          Patty Mitsos
            Amy Canterbury                     Denny & Cassie Quinn
               Dave Childs                           John Raisor
              Susan Enlow                           Mike Rudolph
           Marc & Cindy Fine                  Charley & Pookie Storms
               Katy Gilberg                      Father Ted Temple
         Robert & Pam Goedde                         Matt Theby
              Jon Goldman                           Wesselman’s
               Joe Hopper                           The Winetree
            Bob & Lisa Jones                       The Wine Vault

           Your support makes a real difference!  Thank you!

     • Money raised for the Easterseals Rehabilitation Center stays in our
     community, providing life-changing services to approximately 5,100
     children and adults living with disabilities from a 30-county area of
     southwestern Indiana, southern Illinois, and western Kentucky.

     • One out of every four local families will need our services.
     • Donations help to underwrite therapy services for 95% of therapy clients.

     • No one is denied therapy services due to inability to pay.

                                 Our purpose:
       The Easterseals Rehabilitation Center’s mission is to make
        profound, positive differences in the lives of local people
            with disabilities every day, and to change the way
                our community defines and views disability.

                                  Our vision:
           A community in which all individuals and families are
       accepted, valued, and included, and have equal opportunity
              to achieve their goals, dreams, and aspirations.
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