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P. 39


        3 eggs beaten
        1 1/3 cup sugar

        1 1/3 cup cooking oil
        1 1/3 cup milk
        8 cups of f lour (approximately) - 2 cups at a time
        2 teaspoons baking powder

        colored candy sprinkles
        12 colored hard boiled eggs

        Topping: 1 egg white to brush tops of pastry baskets and then add colored candy

        sprinkles to decorate.

        Combine eggs, sugar, oil, milk, f lour and baking powder and make a soft ball of dough.
        Knead slightly until smooth

        To make baskets: Form small ball of dough in palm of hand and put a dent in the
        center. Place hard boiled colored egg in center dent. Take 2 strips of  dough to form a

        cross over egg connecting to the basket like handles.
        Bake at 350 degrees and it yields about 12 baskets.

        Ron remembered his grandmother, Virginia Mazzola making these Easter baskets in
        her apartment. Her apartment was in Canarsie, a part of Brooklyn, New York. Each

        year, Nan (Virginia) would make the Easter baskets for all of the children in the
        family. Nan had a small kitchen. After removing the baskets from the oven she would
        put some on the window sill to cool by the open window. One year that Ron came to
        visit, he went into the kitchen and looked at the baskets on the window sill. There was

        a spot where one Easter basket was missing. Nan said that one accidentally fell out
        the window and landed on the roof below. It stayed there a very long time.

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