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P. 50
EIERKUCHEN Pronounced eye-er-coo-ken
3 eggs applesauce
1/2 teaspoon salt sugar
1 cup f lour 2 cups milk
Mix all ingredients well and let sit for a few minutes. Frying pan should be non stick
and well buttered. It is better if the pan is hot. Pour batter in till it coats bottom. Fry
until golden brown and then flip over and lightly fry. Put on plate flat. Lightly
sprinkle with sugar and then add a line of applesauce across one end and roll.
Sprinkle sugar across and slice into 1-1½ inch slices. The filling can be changed to
other fruits as well.
You can make these smaller and put various fruits or whip cream in it for a desert.
Eierkuchen is like a crepe.
My mother, Herta Nehlsen Hubler made this as a lunch or even dinner. This was a
family favorite. She learned this recipe from her mother Rosa Gertrud Nehlsen and
today this is a favorite of my children too.