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P. 57
6 cups f lour
2 tablespoons solid Crisco
2 teaspoons salt
2 packages dry yeast
2 cups tepid water
tomato sauce
mozzarella cheese
parmesan cheese
salt and pepper
Combine f lour, solid Crisco and salt and mix. Follow directions on yeast package.
Combine and mix till dough appears. Work and knead dough till smooth and doesn’t
stick to your fingers. Divide into 4 parts which would be one for each pizza pie. Add
oil on pan before putting dough on it to spread out. Add what you wish to top the
pizza usually adding tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, grated Parmesan cheese,
basil, oregano, salt & pepper. It makes about 4 pizzas.
Bake at 350-400 degrees depending on your oven for 15 to 20 minutes.
Ron’s grandmother, Virginia Mazzola who everyone called “Nan” made this pizza
recipe frequently and especially for family gatherings. The pizza became known as
“Nan’s” Pizza.
She said the dough had to feel as smooth as a baby’s bottom. She made what she
called “loaves” or round pieces of dough to rise on a white sheet that she put over her
bed. She sprinkled the sheet with f lour first and then placed the loaves of dough on it.
She then covered the loaves and let them rise.
When they were ready, she placed them on a rectangle cookie sheet and began to
stretch out the dough. Nan then put on the “gravy” as she called the tomato sauce
and the other listed ingredients. Sometimes she would add anchovies.
Her son, Joseph Mazzola continued the family tradition of making the pizzas and
having the family gatherings. The only di erence to the recipe was that he added 2
tablespoons of sugar to the dough recipe.