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                 I was a very lucky girl growing up. There were many great cooks around me during
                 my youth. The best cook and baker was my Mother, Herta Gertrud Nehlsen Hubler.

                 Her main cooking was German because she was born and raised in Germany. She
                 learned  the  Pennsylvania cooking  for my  Father, John  A. Hubler who  was from
                 Pennsylvania. Both of my grandmothers were excellent cooks- Helen Alverta Aungst
                 Hubler and Gertrud Rosa Roemer Nehlsen. I had a whole bunch of aunts and great
                 aunts who were also wonderful cooks and bakers. My Mom had many friends who

                 also made delicious meals and deserts.

                 At an early age, I learned to appreciate all the wonderful women and started to

                 collect recipes. These women always worked hard in the kitchen to pass on their
                 heritage in food and tradition while feeding their family and friends very well. I
                 thank each one of these  special,  talented and caring  women. I am proud and
                 privileged to pass on these recipes.

                 Not until I married my husband, Frederick Ronald Wright did I begin to use many of
                 the recipes. My love and joy was to cook and bake for my husband, “Ron”! I wanted
                 to make  wonderful meals from my family and friends recipes  and add  my new

                 recipes. Ron was also a good cook. He loved to barbecue and marinate the different
                 meats for the grill. He brought to our family the Italian recipes from his maternal
                 grandmother, Virginia Mazzola.

                 I wanted to always set a nice table from candles to flowers and regular dishes to

                 formal dishes and of course place mats to tablecloths. It was important to me to sit
                 and have a good meal as a family. When we had our three children Kim Christy,
                 Todd and Drew, it was important to me to continue this rich family history of great

                 food and wonderful meals together. I loved having family and friends over and to
                 share and enjoy good food, good deserts and great times together.

                 I would like many of the family recipes to continue being made by my children,
                 grandchildren and all future generations.
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