Page 18 - Racquet Stringing Prices
P. 18

GAMMA  Ocho    -     $31

                                                    Gamma Ocho  has the makings of a dangerous weapon in the hands of big
                                                    hitters. This very durable co-polyester string rewards the biggest, most pow-
                                                    erful strokes with spin loaded missiles that drop sharply and accurately. The
                                                    ultra easy access to spin comes in no small part from this string's 8 grippy
                                                    edges. The feel is comfortably firm. A great option for intermediate and ad-
                                                    vanced players with long, fast strokes.

                                                    Type: Poly
                                                    Gauge: 16, 17

                                                    Color: Yellow, Grey

                                                                 GAMMA    Moto Soft     -       $28

                                                    With Moto Soft Gamma adds some comfort to its shaped spin monster.
                                                    Boasting 7 sharp edges, this comfortably firm co-poly puts a very tight grip
                                                    on the ball, enabling the player to hit with massive spin. Big hitters looking
                                                    for a co-poly with above average feel should love this one.

                                                    Type: Poly

                                                    Gauge: 16, 17
                                                    Color: Grey

                                                                   GAMMA    Moto       -     $28

                                                    Gamma Moto is a firm co-poly offering more than just control and durabil-
                                                    ity. With its 7 sharp edges this one bites hard. The result is massive spin po-
                                                    tential. We found this string to have surprisingly good pocketing for a firm
                                                    monofilament, with very impressive responsiveness and decent comfort at
                                                    lower tensions.

                                                    Type: Poly
                                                    Gauge: 16, 17

                                                    Color: Yellow, Grey, Black
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