Page 161 - Demo
P. 161
%u00a9Jack Fritscher, Ph.D., All Rights ReservedHOW TO LEGALLY QUOTE FROM THIS BOOKWhat They Did to the Kid 149%u201cThe faculty won%u2019t even let Chris eat with them,%u201d Hank continued. %u201cAll because he%u2019s so intellectual and has done so much for us.%u201d%u201cI saw Chris back in the kitchen tonight,%u201d Ski said. %u201cHe didn%u2019t say anything. He kept eating out of a quart box of ice cream near the freezer.%u201d%u201cPeter says that%u2019s all he%u2019s eaten for days. He has to raid the kitchen.%u201d Hank pulled his fan club in closer. %u201cGunn and old Rector Karg and their clique never did dig his ideas and now they%u2019re rebelling against him.%u201d%u201cBecause,%u201d Lock said, %u201cthey can%u2019t rebel against Rome.%u201d%u201cBecause of Vatican II, Chris has to eat it raw?%u201d Hank the Tank said.%u201cYou eat it like they feed it,%u201d Ski said. %u201cI know how this works.%u201d%u201cMaybe this time...%u201d I paused to yank their attention. %u201cMaybe this time...they%u2019re shipping a priest!%u201dPhlewww! Hank blew raspberries at my idea. %u201cShip a priest! Ryanus!%u201d Tank of the Imperial Roman Empire was entertaining his courtiers. If any boy was going to tout gossip, it was going to be him. %u201cMisery gives you the dirty end of the stick. You eat it or else.%u201dWas that the definition of a vocation? Eat it or else? %u201cChris was crazy to come back to teach,%u201d Hank said. %u201cReally off his nut. He knew what Misery was like.%u201d%u201cIsn%u2019t that why he came back?%u201d a sophomore boy asked. %u201cIf the alumni don%u2019t cause change, who will? He%u2019s sacrificing himself.%u201d%u201cHe%u2019s a regular martyr-saint,%u201d Mike said. %u201cHe missed the triple crown: virgin-martyr-saint.%u201d%u201cMost of us will get ordained,%u201d the sophomore said. %u201cWe%u2019ll leave Misery behind and forget it.%u201dHank spun the sophomore%u2019s idea. %u201cOur seminary years will be the best years of our lives.%u201d%u201cBecause,%u201d Mike said, %u201cwe%u2019ve such poor memories.%u201d%u201cAfter I%u2019m ordained,%u201d Ski said, %u201cI%u2019m blowing the whistle.%u201dEverybody laughed, ha ha.%u201cLike hell,%u201d Hank swore. %u201cYour bishop will crap daily so you%u2019ll always know where your next meal%u2019s coming from. You%u2019ll never tell anybody anything about the inside dope of seminaries.%u201d %u201cWhat priest would?%u201d Lock said. %u201cSeminaries make us weak, dependent on the institutional Church for bed, board, and shelter. We obey, because where would we go? We%u2019re unemployable. How would we live?%u201dThe foyer lights flashed.%u201cWorker-priests know,%u201d I said.%u201cMark me.%u201d Hank the Tank%u2019s eyebrows that had begun to meet in the middle glowered ominously. %u201cSomething%u2019s going on,%u201d he said. %u201cThe old