Page 97 - What They Did to the Kid
P. 97

What They Did to the Kid                                   85

               because there has never been a high-school graduation at Misericor-
              dia, and as long as there is an Ordination Day, there will never be a
              high-school graduation, because our focus at Misericordia is on the
              priesthood, and that, he said, closes the subject.”
                  The next day the breach between students and faculty became
              even more strained. Gunn stripped Porky Puhl’s last tatters of hierar-
              chy. He shipped him out of Misery, on an hour’s notice, for perform-
              ing a scientific experiment on some sophomores.
                  Porky had put eight boys—each in a separate shower stall—and
              measured their privates. One kid got scared and told in Confession
              to a priest who refused him absolution until he told Gunn.
                  After that Gunn treated us like we all knew, I mean really knew,
              what Porky had done in the shower and all. Father Gunn rounded
              up the bunch of us senior boys and wondered, he said, about group
              guilt and one bad apple. It was one of his longest spiritual lectures,
              lasting over two hours.
                  Lock sniggered that Porky must have really been concerned
              about “the shortage of priests.”

                                     April 16, 1957

               Late the following night, after lights out, I slipped out of the dormi-
              tory in my pajamas and robe. I carried my hard-heeled bedroom
              slippers in my hand until I stood barefoot outside Father Gunn’s
              dimly lighted door, where I stuck my toes into them and stood on
              my sloppy crushed heels. I knocked and knelt down on both knees
              on his threshold.
                  He opened his door and looked down at me, kneeling, looking
              up at him. “Tell me,” he said, “everything.”
                  “Father, I think you ought to view of what’s been going
              on and all that Hank and Ski...Mr. Rimski and Mr. Kowalski, that
              is...have been caught locked in the storage room...Sometimes Porky
              Puhl was in there with them. They’ve been exercising, I guess, is all
              they’ve been doing, because here’s this book I found on gymnas-
              tics that’s from the library stacks. It’s been taken out without being
              stamped...Also there were some, I think, secular periodicals, health
              magazines from Charles Atlas, stuck under the stored mattresses

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