Page 32 - Television Today
P. 32
18 Jack Fritscher
If it doesn’t do that, then it can never reveal to you the
worlds of life and love and activity behind and beyond the
teleworld you know. If, after you’ve read it all and have sub-
jected it to discussion and criticism, it still does nothing for
you, then trash it under a landslide of not-so-soft psychedelia.
Gather critical acumen where ye may. It’s not singing
out of tune to say the intelligent are going to inherit the
Earth. There is going to be no Street Revolution. At least
none that will do any good. Like “April Come She Will,” so
will the soft but effective Abstract Revolution. Gather those
changes. Take them with you into the existing systems. And,
with well-aimed critical thinking, go out and revolutionize
and change the institutions—from the inside out.