Page 21 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 21

Drummer Publications: Robert Payne, Publisher
                                      Jeanne C. Barney, Editor-in-Chief


                                                           28  CENTERSPREAD
       CONTENTS  FOR  THE  LEATHER  LIFESTYLE                   Two Super Studs,  Val Martin and
                                                               Paul Bares!>i,  share the honors
                                                           32  S&MGYM
        4  SIR!                                                A ne" at:Jproach to bodybuilding
           Readers tell us what they like/ don't like          with suaranteed results
        s  FIVE IN A TRAINER'S ROOM                        39  DRUMBEATS
           Continuing Scott Master's team effort/ part two     The lishter 51de of S&M
       8  FETISH: NECROPHILIA                              41  CAPRICORN
           William Wulfwme focuses on                          An S&M sign of the 7odlacal times,  by Bud
           the naked and the dead                          42  DRUMMER GOES TO A LEATHER SABBAT
                                                                                     I  •
      10  SMOKE FROM JEANNIE'S LAMP                            A Halloween howl, captured in words and
           Adwce and ans~~rs                                   pictures by Bo~ Opel
      12  DRUMMER ON STAGE                                 46  S&M IN THE COMICS
           What we see in  'Naked Waiter" and                  Sometimes the funnies aren't
           "Let My People Come"                                as funny as we think
      15  DRUMMER VIEWS THE FUCKS                          48  FRED HALSTED
           Sneak peeks at  Born, " "Ams1erdam,"                When his Ma~ter speaks .. Joey listens
           "Morning, Noon, Night"
      16  MORE MOVIE MAYHEM!                               49  DRUMMER VISITS LARRY'S
                                                               And takes J  trip to the dark side of the moon
           The Gladiators tear 'cm up again
      18  LAUTREC IN  LEATHER                              52  THE LEATHER BAR SCENE
                                                               Where Leathermen meet to beat
           Bob Opel's look at S&M artist, Chuck Arnett
      21  THE LEATHER FRATERNITY                           54  IN PASSING
                                                               Famous last words from the Publisher.
           With lots of hunky new members                      including some Advice to a New Slave
      26  A POSTER FOLDOUT                             ~
           A hot  vte''" of Val Martin,                3       COVtR . Steve Zirbli:r,
                                                                     by Robert Opel
           our own  Mr. Vrummer"
                                ~~--~· ROBERT PAYNE
                                     JEANNE C  8ARNEY
                                         ROGER FLACk  i  DRUMMER GOES TO  DRUMMER
                                       VAUGHN KINCEY
                                      SI ONEY CHARL~.   ;  A SLAVE AUCTION         BAR OF THE MONTH
                                         RU~MALl.OY  i    ~tt"p nght up and see Val   Movrog out ot Caltloroia,
                  SCOTT MASTERS, ROBERT OPEL. BIU. QI.JINN,   3  MMtln Pdr..ide tender   we take a look di D C '
                             st.MJIM Wlll.IAMWULFWINE   ~·  young stuff, tor salP lO Lhe  l agle, cJ  cap1wl bar 1n the
      Pt40l0GRAPHY               •  COLT. A.OY DEAN. J&R,   ~  h1ghe-.t bidder   and all   nation', cap11.1I
                                  ROBERT OPEL. TARGET
                                                       g:  for charitv•
                                                                                   COWBOYS & INDIANS
                                                       i   CLASSICAL S&M           ,\1ovw mdvlwm rerun'
                                                       J A little- culture can't hurt   \\ hcn· the i;oocf gu., s don't
                                                       i   ne~innini,: a new ft:atun>,   alway~ win  tloordyf
                                                           S&M Cla~51c~ Rev1sued "
                                                       '   from the Old Ma~ter~.   SCAT, ANYONE?
                                                       =  natch                    rh~ e\er popular quemon,
                                                       Ii                          asked anew by Ftank Edwards

                                                       !                                        DllUMM( Ji  3
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