Page 43 - 2022 Risk Basics - Surgical Practice
P. 43

SVMIC Risk Basics: Surgical Practice

                   the list to determine if the test was completed or if the patient

                   failed to appear for the ordered tests.

                   Some choose to continue utilizing a paper method such as a
                   log or tickler file to track labs, diagnostic tests, referrals, and

                   appointments that are not being electronically tracked. This is
                   especially important if the EHR does not interface with all

                   testing facilities.

                   If you decide to utilize an electronic tracking system, successful
                   implementation requires that you work closely with your EHR

                   vendor to ensure that the key elements of the tracking process

                   are incorporated.

                   Paper Records

                   Although the vast majority of healthcare providers utilize EHR,
                   the lack of interoperability requires handling paper records on

                   a daily basis. Lab and imaging results, consultant reports,
                   after-hours calls, etc. often are relayed to providers via paper

                   and need to make their way into the EHR. Data affecting
                   clinical decision support components should be manually

                   entered into those fields.

                   Tests or reports should be reviewed, dated, and initialed by the
                   provider and his/her patient notified of results (including any

                   follow-up instructions) before they are filed in the record; or, if

                   they are scanned into the EHR, they should be tasked to the
                   provider. It is critical to have uniform processes in the office so

                   that these incoming test results are always handled the same

                   way for all providers.

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