Page 45 - OB Risks - Delivering the Goods (Part Two)
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SVMIC Obstetrics Risks: Delivering the Goods
Before asserting any type of blame or fault directed at another
provider or healthcare worker, consult with your defense
attorney, Risk Manager and/or an SVMIC claims attorney. This
is true regardless of whether a lawsuit has been filed or not. The
vast majority of medical malpractice suits are initiated because
of an intentional or careless comment made to a patient by
one provider about another provider. For example, “Why did he
do that?”, “I would not have done it that way”, “She never told
me….”, etc. Be aware that your words have consequences.
Obstetrics can be a deeply rewarding specialty because
its practitioners bring new life into the world. As with most
high-reward situations, there is often high risk. Through a
commitment to patient safety, effective communication,
accurate and timely documentation, efficient and consistently
implemented systems, and interdisciplinary collaboration and
teamwork the practitioner can significantly reduce malpractice
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