Page 30 - 2022 Risk Basics - Anesthesiology
P. 30

SVMIC Risk Basics: Anesthesiology

                   State law and with facility policy.  The evaluation is performed
                   and documented by a practitioner qualified to administer
                   anesthesia only after the patient is sufficiently recovered from

                   the effects of anesthesia (e.g., able to answer questions) in the

                   PACU/ICU or in another designated recovery location.

                   Regarding claims arising out of the PACU, one of the elements

                   frequently found missing in the claims review was patient

                   status at handoff to PACU nurses. There should be a
                   systematic handoff of anesthesia care between anesthesia

                   providers and nurses in PACU. The ASA Standard is that a

                   member of the anesthesia team accompanies the patient to
                   the PACU, and upon arrival in the PACU, reevaluate the

                   patient and give a verbal report to the responsible PACU
                   nurse. This should be documented with times and with

                   oxygenation status. The Anesthesia Quality Institute has
                   handoff criteria available for transfer of care from the

                   procedure room to the ICU and also to PACU.

                   The other main element missing in the documentation was
                   determination of patient status prior to discharge. Discharge of

                   the patient too early and without oversight by the

                   anesthesiologist are common allegations. There should be
                   assessment criteria used by PACU nurses that have been

                   developed and approved by the Anesthesia Department.

                   Anesthesia needs to see the patient and agree that it is the
                   appropriate time for discharge and this decision needs to be

                   properly documented. In cases where the patient is advised to


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