Page 18 - Hospitalists - Risks When You're the Doctor in the House (Part Two)
P. 18

SVMIC Hospitalists - Risks When You’re the Doctor in the House

                                                                        Comprehensive Medical History
                                                                        *Patient’s  past  history  of  illnesses,  injuries  &
                 Patient Name   Address                                 treatments, prior operations, hospitalizations, current
                 Date of Birth/Age  Telephone Number                    medications,   age-appropriate   immunization
                                                                        information, feeding, dietary status
                 Gender         Insurance Carrier                       Comprehensive Family History
                 Marital Status  Financial Contact                      *Health status or cause of death of patient’s family
                 Identification Number Emergency Contact                members, including specific hereditary diseases that
                                                                        may place patient at risk
                                                                        Comprehensive Psychosocial History
                                                                        *Significant information about patient’s activities and
                                                                        other relevant social factors (e.g. marital status, living
                                                                        arrangements,  employment,  use  of  drugs,  alcohol,
                                                                        tobacco, level of education, etc.)

                                                                        Listing past & present medical regimens
                                                                        (including OTC) & indicating drug allergies,
                                                                        sensitivities, or adverse reactions

                                                                         Dictated or legibly-written in
                                                                         SOAP or other problem-oriented
                                                                         form for each patient visit

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