Page 5 - Risk Reduction Series - Documentation Essentials (Part Two)
P. 5

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series: Documentation Essentials

                   PART TWO

                   Documenting Communications with


                   A major aspect of documentation involves communicating

                   with the patient to ensure understanding and agreement
                   with the treatment plan to facilitate adherence. These crucial

                   communications include notification of test results, the patient’s
                   adherence to the treatment plan (keeping appointments,

                   undergoing recommended tests, seeing consultants), informed
                   consent, discharge instructions, and providing educational

                   materials. Documenting such “routine” daily practices and
                   habits is often neglected, but the documentation may become

                   crucial to avoiding a negligence claim in the event of an adverse
                   outcome. One commonly overlooked situation is documenting

                   missed appointments during which follow-up care or treatment
                   was to be provided. It is important that the practice have a

                   procedure to ensure that no-shows and cancellations are
                   communicated to the treating provider and any follow-up

                   patient contact attempts are documented in the medical record.
                   Include the date and time of the call or place a copy of the

                   missed appointment letter in the patient’s medical record.

                   Repeated missed appointments as well as other patient non-

                   adherence may result in a decision to discharge the patient

                   from practice. Discharging a patient for non-adherence should
                   be a last resort only after inquiring about and attempting
                   to resolve barriers to adhering to the treatment plan. Many

                   patients are unable to afford the medication or recommended

                   testing, don’t have transportation, forgot or don’t understand
                   the care instructions, or have other barriers to adherence.

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