Page 14 - Part Two Risk Reduction Series - Documentation
P. 14

SVMIC Risk Reduction Series: Documentation

                   records and peer review documents should also be kept out of the

                   medical record. Most communications with your attorney are

                   legally privileged and, as such, are not subject to discovery. These
                   communications should be kept separate from the patient’s chart,

                   thereby eliminating the possibility of their being photocopied or

                   provided to the opposing party without a court order specifically

                   compelling their production.

                   Unique to Paper Charts

                        There should be a separate record for each patient.

                        All papers should be permanently affixed in the record.

                        Patient identification should be on the front and back of

                          every page containing patient information.

                        For paper records in which handwritten notations or

                          signatures are found, maintain a signature log or card that

                          identifies the name and title associated with initials used in

                          the medical record.

                        Legibility is a must! Careful diagnosis and a good treatment

                          plan are useless if the written orders are illegible. Remember
                          that a jury in a medical malpractice action will equate hurried

                          and sloppy documentation with sloppy care.

                   Documentation – Pitfalls in Electronic

                   Health Records

                   An analysis of medical malpractice cases found that incorrect

                   information (e.g., faulty data entry) was the top EHR-related

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