Page 3 - OB Risks - Delivering the Goods (Part One)
P. 3

Faculty and Authors

                   This course was developed by SVMIC’s Risk Education and
                   Evaluation Services Department: Shelly Weatherly, JD, VP; Julie

                   Loomis, RN, JD, AVP, Risk Education Program Development; Jeff
                   Woods, JD, Director of Risk Education Program Development.

                   Reviewed by Michael McAdoo MD, on September 21, 2020.

                   This course will examine the most frequent errors that either cause

                   or contribute to an obstetrics-related malpractice claim, or make a
                   claim less defensible. Topics include risk issues in documentation,

                   communication, and systems failures, and will examine some of
                   the most frequent areas of OB practice where claims occur. The

                   course will suggest key points to avoid these errors and improve
                   patient safety. And, where possible, the course will incorporate

                   checklists and guidelines developed by professional societies
                   and organizations.

                   Course Objectives
                   Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

                       1.  Recognize the most common risk management issues

                          associated with the practice of obstetrics

                       2. List risks of poor communication, documentation, and

                          system failures

                       3. Identify the most common areas of obstetric practice where

                          claims occur
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