Page 7 - ebook HCC
P. 7

FEBRUARY 13 - 16, 2014


The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) is pleased to inform you of a The objectives of this segment is to provide an in-depth review on the different
broader and enhanced programme on the topic of Liver Cancer that has developed into management issues related to early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of HCC, and
a new concept in the form of the 2014 EASL HCC Summit. also, to highlight the ways of dealing with such an important and rapidly involving field:
Liver Cancer Management. Over two days, we will cover a broad range of topics relevant
Taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from February 13-16, 2014, the programme will to the management of HCC, starting with screening, through diagnosis and elaborating
offer two sub-components. A Basic Science programme on Molecular Pathogenesis and on stage specific treatment of this most important liver disease.
Translational Research in Liver Cancer, immediately followed by a Clinical programme
on Liver Cancer Management. This will result in a considerably broader scope of HCC The invited speakers will be the most prominent investigators and contributors in the
topics aimed at a wider audience. Participants will be offered the option to attend either field, and consequently opinion leaders in HCC. A State Of The Art lecture will form part
programmes or both. of the complete scientific programme, and time and space will be reserved for poster
presentations of original work on latest HCC research and management.
We anticipate that this combination of high quality presentations together with the strong
reputation of the invited speakers and the relevance of the topics will bring together We anticipate that this combination of high quality presentations together with the strong
leading researchers, academics, clinicians and scientists involved in HCC for what will reputation of the invited speakers and the relevance of the topics will bring together
be a memorable meeting. leading researchers, academics, clinicians and scientists involved in HCC for what will
be a memorable meeting.
We look forward to welcoming you in Geneva for this major event.
The interest in HCC has risen dramatically over the past years and many conferences
address this topic. While most of them center around aspects of clinical application,
there is a definitive lack of meetings that address more basic biomedical research
aspects of liver cancer. Since there is no tomorrow”s clinical application without today”s SCIENTIFIC ORGANISING COMMITTEE: BASIC PROGRAMME
basic research, we have taken the task to devote the first part of this conference mainly
to basic research in liver cancer and bring together the leading basic scientists with
junior researchers, and also clinical researchers interested in novel research concepts.
This concept requires sufficient time for discussion and communication, something
frequently missing in large scale meetings. Liver cancer is the paradigm for infection- Michael Manns Peter Schirmacher Jessica Zucman-Rossi
and inflammation-induced cancer and one of the mainstays of animal and cell culture
cancer models; there is much to learn from it even for other tumour entities and many SCIENTIFIC ORGANISING COMMITTEE: CLINICAL PROGRAMME
new mechanisms need to be tested for their applicability.

Jean-François Dufour Markus Peck-Radosavljevic Jean-Luc Raoul
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