Page 26 - December bulletin
P. 26
Mustafa Zameer of class XII not only represented All CMS
campuses but also UP at the National Level Virtual
Discussion organized by I_GAUGE. Mustafa shared the
panel with other fiery speakers from Guwahati, Bengaluru
and Dehradun. Mustafa was the first speaker. He won all
hearts with his outstanding conviction in delivering his
thoughts. The panelists were intimated about the next round
to be held in the month of January. Mustafa was specially
praised for elucidating his view points with such clarity of
thoughts. He was asked about the various quarters the
school works upon for evoking such powerful speakers.
Mustafa gave a vivid account of how CMS grooms the
students and paves ways for the students to make a mark in
different fields. He spoke about the Judges conference
meet, various other events that add feather to the students'