Page 1 - How Do I Use Approvals WorkCenter Dashboard
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Approvals WorkCenter

        How do I Use Approvals WorkCenter Dashboard?


        Emory’s Approval WorkCenter Dashboard offers an approval path that groups transactions pending approval by
        transaction type.   This allows approvers to review and approve similar transactions on a collective page.

        All transactions in the Approval WorkCenter Dashboard are also accessible via the Worklist link.


                                                                                                Emory Manager Self-Service
            Navigator > Emory WorkCenters > Approvals WorkCenter Dashboard      Tile:

        Approvals WorkCenter Dashboard

        The Approvals WorkCenter Dashboard page displays.



        1.  Click the Transaction Type that you want to review.

        2.  Click the Refresh icon to refresh the list of transactions for all of the transaction types in the

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        Emory Confidential and Proprietary          Last Revised on 4/27/2018                Return to the Table of Contents
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