Page 2 - How do I Get Approval Access to EMory's Financial Systems for Finance Division Employees?
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Finance System Access
Joining the Compass ListServ
The Compass ListServ is the most direct way to stay up to date on Emory’s Financial Systems, including
updates, outages and enhancements.
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1. Login to the Email List Service at (not
2. Click Subscriber’s Corner from the top menu bar.
3. To narrow the list, type Compass-users in the Show Lists field.
4. Click the Show All Lists drop down menu and select Show All Lists.
5. Click Search.
6. Check the boxes next to the lists to which you want to subscribe.
7. Select Subscribe from the drop down list (at the bottom of the screen).
8. Check the Send email notification of changes option.
9. Click the Submit button.
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