Page 3 - Budget Request Guidelines
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The purpose of these guidelines is to communicate the Budget Request process as part of the Fiscal Year Integrated Financial Plan and Budget process. The Academic Infrastructure Units (AIU) areas reporting to the President, Provost, Executive Vice President for Business and Administration (EVPBA), or Executive Vice President for Health Affairs (EVPHA) are required to submit budget requests as outlined in these guidelines. The Schools and the Emory Primate Center may elect to use the Budget Request process to support their internal budget process but are not required to use the forms.
The Leaders with budget management responsibilities have the authority within their existing budget(s) to carry out the activities that are viewed as the most important for their area of responsibility. If a budget increase is not allocated to the area, leaders may reallocatetheexistingbudgetandactivitiestocreatecapacityforthenewpriority. The reallocation of an existing resource envelope is considered a healthy and fiscally responsible exercise to enable leaders to execute what is most important in the current environment.
Process Overview
The graphic below provides an overview of the Web Budget Request Process for Non-Labor and Labor.

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