Page 1 - How do I Reconcile a Cash Advance
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Cash Advance – Reconciliation

        How do I Reconcile Cash Advances?


        After your cash advance has been issued and your travel is complete, you must create an expense report to
        reconcile the cash advance. Use the Create Expense report process to document expenses and apply your cash
        advance. Any unspent funds are to be reimbursed to Emory by check. For additional information on how create an
        expense report see the How Do I Create an Expense Report? job aid.


                                                                                                  Employee Self Service

               Navigator > Employee Self-Service > Travel and Expense Center >                 Tile:

               Expense Report > Create/Modify

                                                                                                       Expense Report

        Cash Advance Reconciliation



        1.  You must select at least one Expense Type before you can apply a cash advance.

        2.  From the Actions menu, select Apply/View Cash Advance(s) link.
        3.  Click the GO button.

        The Apply Cash Advance(s) page displays.

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