Page 1 - How do I Resubmit a Check Request
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Check Request
How do I Submit a Check Request?
The Check Request form is used to request payments to companies for goods or services when an Emory
Purchase Order is not required. The form provides guidance on how to complete the required fields.
Only one invoice is allowed per form.
Emory Express is only used to pay companies. If you need to pay an individual or the Supplier
Information Form is using a social security number, process payment through the Compass
Payment Request Center. Review the How do I Submit a Payment Request? job aid for more
Home > Invoice Payment Forms > Check Request (Non-PO Payment Form)
Completing the Check Request
Review the Instructions (not shown) for guidance on when to use this form, form requirements, and information on checks
that need to be picked up.
Supplier Information
1. *Enter the Supplier Name in the Enter Supplier text box and click on the full name when it
appears. If the supplier does not appear, complete the Supplier Request form to request setup before
you submit the invoice for payment. See the How do I Request a New Supplier or Update and Existing
Supplier? job aid for steps For more information on the checkout process, please review the How do I Request
a New Supplier or Update and Existing Supplier? job aid.
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