Page 7 - What are the AR_Billing Scheduled Processes
P. 7
AR/Billing Scheduled Processes
The parameters are entered for one business unit per line.
a. Business Unit to run and post.
b. The Last Run on field shows the last time the Aging process was run.
c. You can use the Next button to view other BUs, or click the View link to view them all on the same page.
The Process Scheduler Request page has one option selected, ARAGE.
Journal Generation
Navigator > General Ledger > Journals > Subsystem Journals > Generate Journals
The Generate Journals process runs at 7pm and 10pm every day (S-S). It creates journals to be posted to the Actuals ledger in the
General Ledger. There are three separate run controls for this process:
Module Transaction Types Run Control Accounting Definition Journal Mask
Billing Invoices and Credit Memos EM_BI_JGEN BIDEFN BI
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