Page 1 - How do I Add Attendees to an Expense Report
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Adding Attendees to an Expense Item

        How do I Add Attendees to an Expense Report?


        IRS regulations require a list of attendees for Business Meals with fewer than 10 people. This guide will walk
        you through the process of adding attendees to a group meal.

        Adding Attendees to an Expense



        1.  Add an expense line with the Expense Type of BUSINESS MEAL GROUP UNDER 10.

        2.  Click the Attendees link.

        A pop-up window opens with the Employee as the default attendee.



        1.  Enter the Name, Company and Title (optional but may provide additional support for

            approving the expense) of each attendee using Last name, First name.
                Compass is particular about the name format; it requires a Last, First format and is looking for the comma, otherwise it
               responds with a format error.
        2.  Click the Add a New Row (plus +) button to add additional attendees.

        3.  Click the OK button to save the attendee list and return to the expense report.

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