Page 27 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 27
Hip No. Consigned by Mary A. Jansma Hip No.
20 Miss Sugar Gunnit 20
2011 Red Dun Mare
EARNER OF $22,622
Colonels Smoking Gun { Colonelfoufeckle
{ Katie Gun
Sugar Chics Gunnit Hollywood Dun It
Miss Sugar Gunnit { Sugar Chics Dunnit { Chics Sompen
5598360 M Blackburn 932 { Fortys Last Chance
Blackburns Tailwind { Eighty Eight Ann
2002 { Prince Tailwind
Tailwind Final Mis79
Justamere Bar Fly
PERFORMANCE RECORD: $22,622: 4th, NRHA Derby $50,000 Limited Open;
split 4th, Minnesota Pink Slide-In Open Derby, $50,000 Limited Open Co-
Champion & Limited Open Co-Reserve Champion; Great Plains Open Futurity
Co-Reserve Champion; One Hot Derby Champion; split 7th, North Central RHA
Int. Open Futurity; Lazy E Red Dirt Open Derby Co-Reserve Champion; top 15,
NRHA Derby $50,00 Limited Open.
NOTES: 5 Panel Genetic Test N/N. Foaled late in 2021, left open for early 2022
2018 Shine On Gunnit, f. by Shine On Line.
2019 Moonshine And Pearls, f. by Shine On Line.
2021 Pending.
By SUGAR CHICS GUNNIT (AQHA/APHA) (2006). $59,046, AQHA point-
earner; NRHA Level 3 Non-Pro Derby Champion; NRHA Non-Pro Derby
Co-Reserve Champion; NRBC Level 3 Non-Pro Derby Co-Reserve Cham-
pion; top 10 NRBC Non-Pro Derby; NRHA Limited Non-Pro Derby Re-
serve Champion. Sire of 9 money-earners, including MISS SUGAR
GUNNIT ($22,622: split 4th Minnesota Pink Slide-In Reining Open Derby),
ZOEITA (U) ($11,854: Mexico RHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion),
BONNITA MORENA ($5,536, AQHA point-earner: Mexico RHA Non-Pro
Futurity Champion), MAGINIT ($4,976: 3rd Mexico RHA Non-Pro Futu-
rity), SUGAR QUEEN GUNNIT (U) (Mexico RHA Futurity $25,000 Limited
Non-Pro Reserve Champion), TOO GUNNIT (U) (split 5th Mexico RHA
Non-Pro Futurity), BLUE EYED GUNNIT (BRZ) (3rd Brazil ANCR Reining
Pre-Non-Pro Futurity), GUNNA MAGICRISTAL (U) (Mexico Rancho West
Reining Rookie class winner), MAGONNIT (U) (Mexico Criadores Reining
Derby Snaffle Bit/Hackamore 3-Year-Old Open Class Co-Reserve Cham-
(P), $177,386: NRHA Hall of Fame; NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Cham-
pion; APHA World Champion; USET Finals Champion;APHA World
Champion Junior Reining Horse;APHA World Open Reining Futurity
Champion;APHA World Open Reining Futurity Champion. QData #1 All-
Time Leading Sire of Reining Money-Earners. Sire of 893 money-earners,
1st dam
Blackburns Tailwind, by Mr Blackburn 932. Dam of 3 foals, 1 performer--
MISS SUGAR GUNNIT (f. by Sugar Chics Gunnit). Reference.
2nd dam
Tailwind Final Mis79, by Prince Tailwind. Dam of 11other foals. svp 10/21