Page 27 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 27

Hip No.              Consigned by Mary A. Jansma        Hip No.
                                 20               Miss Sugar Gunnit                      20
                                                        2011 Red Dun Mare
                                                     EARNER OF $22,622
                                                                Colonels Smoking Gun  {  Colonelfoufeckle
                                                              {                   Katie Gun
                                                Sugar Chics Gunnit                Hollywood Dun It
                              Miss Sugar Gunnit  {              Sugar Chics Dunnit  {  Chics Sompen
                              5598360                           M Blackburn 932  {  Fortys Last Chance
                                                Blackburns Tailwind {             Eighty Eight Ann
                                                2002                            {  Prince Tailwind
                                                                Tailwind Final Mis79
                                                                                  Justamere Bar Fly
                              PERFORMANCE RECORD: $22,622: 4th, NRHA Derby $50,000 Limited Open;
                                  split 4th, Minnesota Pink Slide-In Open Derby, $50,000 Limited Open Co-
                                  Champion & Limited Open Co-Reserve Champion; Great Plains Open Futurity
                                  Co-Reserve Champion; One Hot Derby Champion; split 7th, North Central RHA
                                  Int. Open Futurity; Lazy E Red Dirt Open Derby Co-Reserve Champion; top 15,
                                  NRHA Derby $50,00 Limited Open.
                              NOTES: 5 Panel Genetic Test N/N. Foaled late in 2021, left open for early 2022
                              PRODUCE RECORD:
                              2018 Shine On Gunnit, f. by Shine On Line.
                              2019 Moonshine And Pearls, f. by Shine On Line.
                              2021 Pending.
                              By SUGAR CHICS GUNNIT (AQHA/APHA)  (2006). $59,046, AQHA point-
                                  earner; NRHA Level 3 Non-Pro Derby Champion; NRHA Non-Pro Derby
                                  Co-Reserve Champion; NRBC Level 3 Non-Pro Derby Co-Reserve Cham-
                                  pion; top 10 NRBC Non-Pro Derby; NRHA Limited Non-Pro Derby Re-
                                  serve Champion. Sire of 9 money-earners, including MISS SUGAR
                                  GUNNIT ($22,622: split 4th Minnesota Pink Slide-In Reining Open Derby),
                                  ZOEITA (U) ($11,854: Mexico RHA Non-Pro Futurity Champion),
                                  BONNITA MORENA ($5,536, AQHA point-earner: Mexico RHA Non-Pro
                                  Futurity Champion), MAGINIT ($4,976: 3rd Mexico RHA Non-Pro Futu-
                                  rity), SUGAR QUEEN GUNNIT (U) (Mexico RHA Futurity $25,000 Limited
                                  Non-Pro Reserve Champion), TOO GUNNIT (U) (split 5th Mexico RHA
                                  Non-Pro Futurity), BLUE EYED GUNNIT (BRZ) (3rd Brazil ANCR Reining
                                  Pre-Non-Pro Futurity), GUNNA MAGICRISTAL (U) (Mexico Rancho West
                                  Reining Rookie class winner), MAGONNIT (U) (Mexico Criadores Reining
                                  Derby Snaffle Bit/Hackamore 3-Year-Old Open Class Co-Reserve Cham-
                                  pion). Son of COLONELS SMOKING GUN (Q)COLONELS SMOKINGUN
                                  (P), $177,386: NRHA Hall of Fame; NRHA Open Futurity Reserve Cham-
                                  pion; APHA World Champion; USET Finals Champion;APHA World
                                  Champion Junior Reining Horse;APHA World Open Reining Futurity
                                  Champion;APHA World Open Reining Futurity Champion. QData #1 All-
                                  Time Leading Sire of Reining Money-Earners. Sire of 893 money-earners,
                              1st dam
                              Blackburns Tailwind, by Mr Blackburn 932. Dam of 3 foals, 1 performer--
                                MISS SUGAR GUNNIT (f. by Sugar Chics Gunnit). Reference.
                              2nd dam
                              Tailwind Final Mis79, by Prince Tailwind. Dam of 11other foals.  svp 10/21
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