Page 34 - 2021 The Millionaire ProFit Equine Online
P. 34

Hip No.          Consigned by Hill Country Reiners, LLC  Hip No.
                                 27              Smart Shining Whiz                      27
                                                     March 28, 2020 Sorrel Colt
                                                                Smart Chic Olena  {  Smart Little Lena
                                                              {                   Gay Sugar Chic
                                                Smart Spook                       Grays Starlight
                                              {                 Sugarplum Spook  {  Gringa Sug
                              Smart Shining Whiz
                              6002547                           Topsail Whiz    {  Topsail Cody
                                                                                  Jeanie Whiz Bar
                                                Ms Sassy Whiz  {                  Shining Spark
                                                2010            Shining N Sassy  {
                                                                                  Sassy O Lena
                              NOTES: 5 Panel Genetic Test N/N. Enrolled in NRBC., NRHA.
                              By SMART SPOOK  (2001). $405,080 and 80.5 AQHA points: NRHA Open
                                  Futurity Champion; NRHA Open Derby Champion; Superior Reining; #4
                                  NRHA All-Time Leading money-earner. 2020 #11 Leading Reining Sire.
                                  2020 NRHA #7 All-Time Leading Sire. Sire of 600 money-earners,
                                  $7,097,748, and earners of 8,606 AQHA points.
                              1st dam
                              Ms Sassy Whiz, by Topsail Whiz. Dam of 6 foals, 4 of performance age, 3 performers,
                                DREAM ON WHIZ (c. by Magnum Chic Dream). $39,324: 2021 NRHA Derby Lvl
                                  3 Non-Pro Champion & split 5th in the Lvl 4 Non-Pro; top 15, 2020 NRHA Futurity
                                  Lvl 3 Non-Pro.
                                Mobsters Blue Whiz (f. by HF Mobster). $2,403: 2021 Heart Of Dixie RA
                                  Snowbird Lvl i Open Derby Reserve Champion; 2021 Heart Of Dixie RHA
                                  Southern Slide Limited Open Reserve Champion.
                              2nd dam
                              SHINING N SASSY, by Shining Spark. $259,262: NRHA Open Futurity Cham-
                                  pion; 6th, NRBC Open Derby; NRHA Futurity Open Sire Award Champion; A
                                  2020 NRHA All-Time Leading Dam.  Dam of 9 money-earners, $155,236,
                                DUN ITS SHINEY GUN (c. by Hollywood Dun It). $51,319 & 31 reining points: top
                                  10, NRHA Open Futurity; 7th, NRHA Intermediate Non-Pro Derby; AQHA
                                  Reserve World Champion Lvl 3 Amateur Reining; AQHA Reserve World
                                  Champion Lvl 2 Amateur Reining; Amateur ROM.
                                SASSY SON OFA GUN (c. by Colonels Smoking Gun). $38,811 & 32 reining
                                  points: 2020 High Roller Reining Classic Lvl 4 Non-Pro Derby Co-Champion;
                                  split 6th, Reining By The Bay Open Futurity; Open & Amateur ROM.
                                GUNNA SASSYA (g. by Colonels Smoking Gun). $34,462 & 13.5 reining points:
                                  Tulsa Reining Classic Open Futurity Reserve Champion; split 6th, SWST RHA
                                  Open Futurity; finalist, NRBC Open Derby; Open ROM.
                                Rock It Sassy Girl (f. by Wimpys Little Step). finalist, 2021 NRBC Lvl 4 Non-Pro
                                  Derby; top 10, 2020 SWST RHA Lvl 4 Non-Pro Futurity.
                                Gunna Be Sassy (f. by Colonels Smoking Gun). $8,563: top 15, NRHA Int. Open
                                  Futurity; top 15, SWST RHA Fall Int. Open Futurity.
                              3rd dam
                              Sassy O Lena, by Doc O’Lena. A Leading Dam of earners of $382,709--
                                ITS ALL ABOUT CASH. $52,809: split 7th, NRHA Open Futurity. Dam of--ITS
                                  ALL ABOUT SMART ($62,978), ITS ALL ABOUT SPARK ($33,864), REVO-
                                  LUTIONARY CASH ($29,819), ITS ALL ABOUT BUD ($18,684); granddam of-
                                  SPOOK SUNBURST ($217,680), FOUR OH ONE K ($43,061).        svp 10/21
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